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Hello Mr. Riley, any chance we can get your sticks back on the market. They are my absolute favorite, and I am sure I am not alone on this.
by James MacionMarch 1, 2023 12:56 AM
Hi John, I hope all is well - just trying to reach you about something when you get the chance.
by John BryantFebruary 12, 2023 3:07 PM
Hi Mr. Riley. I appreciate your videos very much. I own 2 of your books. I’ve been using your signature sticks. Are they still being made? Thanks very much.
by Randy CoyneJanuary 13, 2023 6:26 PM
Hi John I really enjoy all of your Videos.I wanted to ask;I am a left handed drummer ,but my strong foot is the right one. I all the time change between left and right set up since after 10 years of playing left set up ,my right foot is better, I do not like the open handed idea, but I am still frustrated with the left foot ability. my question is ; should I stay with the left handed set up .and work on that ,or maybe to change to the open handed ,(maybe it is a sighn that I could be a better drummer with this set up ) right handed set up is a prolbem my right hand on the cymbal is undeveloped and weak. well I must add I am 66 years old many thanks Zvika Mark
by Zvi MarkNovember 3, 2022 4:04 PM
Hey John. I caught you at the Vanguard last month and I see on your schedule you will be at the University New Hampshire on Nov 11. I live right there and would like to see you then. Can you fill me in with the details of gig? Thanks.
by John MeehanNovember 1, 2022 10:31 PM
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